Information regarding your Statutory Declarations
Please note that your Statutory Declarations are only valid for 12 weeks, so please do not arrange them too soon!
Statutory Declaration requirements:-
Printed on Solicitor’s letter headed Paper
The letter headed paper must state ‘Solicitor’
Must be signed by a Solicitor
Must be stamped by the solicitor and the stamp should preferably state the signing solicitor’s name and it must have the word SOLICITOR in the stamp.
A statutory declaration is needed for the bride and groom each, a joint declaration will not be accepted
A business card from the Solicitor who signed the Statutory Declarations is required.
Names must be EXACTLY the same as passport, including middle names etc.
The local Municipality does not recognize the terms Legal Executive, Consultant, Associate, Partner etc. – it must say SOLICITOR.
Alternatively, you can use a Notary Public, although they are normally more expensive.
For brides who have been divorced it is advisable to add a paragraph to your Statutory Declaration re your surname if it was changed when you married and you have since reverted back to your maiden name, unless of course you have a Name Change Deed.
Remember that your Single Statutory Declaration must have exactly the same name as your passport. If your Decree Absolute states a different surname (than your Statutory Declaration and passport) the town hall will not accept it. Therefore something along the lines of the following should be added to your Statutory Declaration:
‘I am divorced and free to lawfully enter into my second marriage. My married name was ……………. after my marriage was legally dissolved on …………… I reverted back to my maiden name: ………….. as per my birth certificate and passport
In case that it’s written on plain paper, please make sure that it will be signed, stamped and accompanied by a business card of the solicitor.
My full name is: ______________________________________________________________
I reside at: __________________________________________________________________
My occupation is: ____________________________________________________________
My nationality is: _____________________________________________________________
My passport number is: ________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________________________________________________________
I, _____________________________________ do declare that I am [single/ divorced/widowed]* and now free of any bond of engagement or marriage and can lawfully enter into this my [first/ second/third]* marriage. *delete as appropriate.
I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835.
Declarant’s signature: __________________________________________________________
Declared this (date): ____________________________________________________________
At (Solicitor’s Address): __________________________________________________________
Before me (Solicitor’s name): _____________________________________________________
Solicitor’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Solicitor’s Stamp:
Must be printed on the Solicitor’s letter headed paper, hand written documents are not accepted.